Posted On: 22-May-2024 05:10:10 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3


Thsee two voice actors are suing because a company used AI to use their voices to voice over videos and other stuff. Their names are Linnea Sage and Paul Lehrman. In 2020, Paul Lehrman thought he was providing a set-off voice samples. However, a couple years later he heard his voice on YouTube narrating a video. Then he heard it on a podcast. He has never recorded these two. Both Linnea Sage and Paul Lehrman are suing the AI company named, Lovo, for allegedly commissioning them for voices projects under false pretenses. AI is very dangerous. If someone has you voice or what you look like they can create so many false videos and messages with your name, face, or voice. This has been happening everywhere. I have seen it on Tiktok from popular and trusting creators get their accounts hacked and the hackers posting videos of them for a Shein scam. It has also happened to one of my friends before. 


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