Posted On: 22-May-2024 08:54:39 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: sofi.garciaa


"baby goes viral for wanting to stay at 4 star hotel" that was the latest thing uploaded on cnn news parents William and Bailey posted there baby on tikto Bailey the mom asked who wanted to stay at a four star hotel and the other child and the tiny baby raised there hand and said me. Bailey didn't think much of it until her phone started blowing up. soon the baby became a TikTok trend where people voice over the baby and make him say it in a type of formal way. after just a few days of uploading the video it got over 1 million views in at least 1 day. Now the news Is talking about the baby understanding so easily what it mean although some people say that the baby said me just because his sister said me but others say this baby is very smart.


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