Posted On: 22-May-2024 09:30:16 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: avocados :)

emotions / yapping

I find it fascinating how powerful emotions are. How we can fed off of peoples energy, like if someone's really upset, no matter how happy you are I think its hard to stay happy when someone's upset. Its also funny how our body/emotions know when to be happy or sad or feel certain emotions, or how different people react to certain things. Like feelings are so interesting to me, or how certain items make certain people happy, like for example people who collection certain things get so fascinated over the smallest things that you may look at and think "that's cool" but not care so much about it and go on about your day for the people who "collect" that certain idea may go wild for it. But I think its because people put a value to things, the same with money. It's just paper, but because people put so much value to it, it means a lot, and is was practically "keeps" you living.


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