Posted On: 22-May-2024 09:52:02 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos


I love Frank Ocean. I have loved Frank Ocean since the moment his music first grazed by ears at the age of 11. Ever since this point, I have completely and wholeheartedly loved Frank Ocean. His discography is a delicacy and should be treated like an ancient tomb. Frank Ocean voices emotions that almost no one in the world knows how to put into words, especially not into a rhythm. His music sounds very calming and peaceful, but if you understand them then they have very bittersweet and melancholic tones. My favorite song by Frank Ocean is Skyline to but my favorite feature of his is on Slater by Tyler the Creator. Frank Ocean hasn't released an album since 2016 with his release of Blond but he has some leaked songs that have been pre-released by people who have access to his files. I hope Frank drops soon. If Frank Ocean has 1,000,000,000 fans, I am one of them. If he has 100 fans I am one of them. If Frank Ocean has 0 fans then I am no longer in existence


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