Posted On: 23-May-2024 05:15:40 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

The extreme heat by 2050

In this article I read about how heat is going to be a big issue for the world if we keep on going how we are living. The article read that there is so much damage being done in our planet, that by the time of 2050, the world would be in a danger zone. There is so much fossil fuels and greeen house gasses that are being emmited into the world everyday that just causes more and more damage. They also talk about how certain communities have a more of a disadvantage than other communities with the heat waves. This won’t only create damage on the world, but can also cause damage on people’s health. There are already certain areas and communities that are experiencing these harsh conditions and experiencping damages such as diabetes and heart diseases. This can worsen already existing health conditions and that isn’t a good thing for the people with areas experiencing this type of climate chang. There is still hope to change our plane, but actions take time and we will need to start now To make the planet safer. 


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