Posted On: 24-May-2024 05:52:01 Posted In: Gaming / Roblox
Posted By: violetteros3

Roblox - Dress to Impress

I have been playing roblox so much lately and have gotten to addicted. the game I have been playing the most is Dress to Impress. This is a dressing game where they give you a theme and you have to create an outfit following the theme. There are so many different themes and clothes you can choose from. Some of the themes are; airport outfit, coquette, and many different kinds. I love all the colors in the game and clothes. However, some of the color shades are really bad. Like the color brown, its more like an orange brown rather than a true brown color. The shade is also way too bright. It is kinda just hideous. However, everything else in the game is really good and I recommend playing the game. 


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