Posted On: 24-May-2024 09:45:13 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: nhiguera


school after school is what some people think of like you finish high school and then you go to college and some even go to university to get a masters or a bachelors degree. Half of your life is dedicated to studying and going to school to live the "American dream" as some say. Also no one really talks about the struggles about life after high school some people are very successful in there life after high school but what about those who aren't that's subject isn't really talked about because its like a not a such a good thing to talk about , even though some people don't do great in school most of them do well in real life sometimes its ;ike a 50 50 chance that you'll do good 0r not........ but what ever you choose it'll be okay I guess..


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