Posted On: 26-May-2024 08:12:41 Posted In: Education / education
Posted By: zdelgado

Advice on Traveling

I never really found interest in traveling until recently.  I do not know where I would want to go and explore but I find it cool especially if you do it with your friends or the people you have fun with.  You could also meet other people and learn about the places you are traveling.  One place I have interest in is Italy.  This is because the food looks so good but the places also look beautiful and like they have a lot of history behind them.  Another place in probably New York because I have family who live there and I kind of always wanted to visit the state because everything looks so pretty in the pictures and I want to see them in person.  I definitely have to look more into it and how others have liked the places I want to go to, but right now it is just an idea.


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