Posted On: 26-May-2024 08:20:07 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: zdelgado

Life experiences

I absolutely love the beach its so much fun and i never get tired of it. I used to hate it but now i always want to be at the beach. I have been begging my parents to take me but they havent. Like yesterday would've been perfect to go but we had a barbecue with my family. I also been wanting to go with my friends but they are always busy or they just cant go. There is so much to do and i enjoy every bit of it. I like playing volleyball at the beach because we have so much room and were outside so fresh air. I love going deep into the ocean now that im tall i dont drown. But duhh if the water currents are bad or the waves then i wouldn't go that far in but i still like to go in. I also jiust like the vibes like it hot and sunny while listening to summer music like thats such a vibe i also like because i eat some good snacks. 


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