Posted On: 28-May-2024 01:50:39 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3


Anastasia is a great Disney classic that was came out on November 21, 1997, It is a great movie based on the Romanov family. However, it is not historically accurate. In real life, the whole Romanov family is executed by the firing squad by the order of the Ural Regional Soviet. Although, in the movie the youngest child, Anastasia is able to escape. I 100% recommend watching this movie. The soundtrack is amazing especially the song, “Once Upon a December”. The movie is about the youngest child of the Romanov family who gets separated from her grandmother whilst they escape. The next ten years Anastasia lives in an orphanage before she reunites with a boy who worked in the castle, Dimitri. He had also helped them escape.


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