Posted On: 28-May-2024 02:38:26 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

The Next Two Weeks

The next two weeks will be very stressful and go by fast for me. This weekend I have a tournament. It is the very last tournament for SCVA and lasts two days. Unfortunately, it is the weekend before finals so I might have a hard time studying and  all that. For the next weekend I also am going to attend one of my friend’s graduation party. Then, the next day I have to wake up early for one of my closest friend’s quince. I also have to lock in for my classes and study/review this whole week. I especially have to lock in for Spanish. It is my hardest subject overall. For most of my classes I am doing pretty fine and not super nervous. I am just nervous for one class. Spanish is just a harder concept for me to grasp and understand. 


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