Posted On: 28-May-2024 02:52:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3


I don’t think ghosts are really real. However, I do think spirits are real. I feel like ghosts are are spirits that you can physicallly see, not touch, but do see. According to a website named Human Amplified, ghosts are an impression of time and space. However, spirits are souls of humans. Ghosts are also unlikely to interact with you. Ghosts are seemed to be depicted as people who can fly around and are simply see-through. Sometimes in Halloween movies they are seen to be “haunting” or ”scary”. However, I do feel as spirits are there to protect instead of harm. As well as to guide you instead. A lot of shows also have ghosts that seem to be “monsters”. For example in the show Monster High, a ghost is appeared to be a “monster”. 


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