Posted On: 28-May-2024 03:07:58 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Anastasia pt. 2

He had also helped the grandmother and Anastasia escape. He reunites them at the end of the movie and they fall in love. The grandmother and Anastasia are also reunited together in Paris. During the movie they face many different challenges because of an evil man who had betrayed the royal family. His name was Grigori Rasputin. He had put a curse of the Romanov family because they had gotten rid of him or fired him. He then had sold this soul just so he could get revenge on them. During those ten years he has been in “limbo” because Anastasia had escaped. The first thing he did was was try to derail their train and explode the upcoming bridge. He then went in Anastasia’s head and almost made her jump off of a boat. Lastly, he went to kill Anastasia herself. 


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