Posted On: 28-May-2024 06:31:57 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores


This last weekend i went to six flags with my friend. It was a lot of fun. The lines were super long though. It got really frustrating becuase the lines were all like 1 hoiur and 30 minutes so it was rlly annoying. I wanted to get on batman but the line was super long. Viper was like an hour and thirty minuets. It wasnt bad but i went to ninja too which wasnt bad t all. I really liked it and it felt relly light. Viper is also a ride thats super light, i perwsonally dont think that its scary. Its my favorite ride. I genuinley like roller coasters but at the sqamd time i have a limit. Like ill get on ride4s as long as they're reasonable. Nothing too crazy becuase i know my limit. Like collosus is a ride i wont get on becuase its scary. Sometimes i feel brave but i wont be dumb to get something dumb or too scary 


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