Posted On: 28-May-2024 06:50:10 Posted In: News / :]
Posted By: arecur103

real id

The real id will soon have an deadline for traveling.The goal of the Real ID Act, approved by Congress in 2005, is to improve security and minimize fraud in the aftermathof the 9/11 terrioist attacks. The real ID was designed to create a nationwide standard for identification because usually some states driver liscense were not acceptable to board commerical aircraft or cross borders in other states. The current deadline to get the ID is May,7 2025. starting nect year if you're  18 or older, the real id will be accepted as a form pf identification of board domestic flightsm abd enter secure federal facilities, like military bases or any federal courthouses. The Real id has a image of an bear, and a star on top hand corner. a regular identification card as a phrase "federal limits apply."


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