Posted On: 28-May-2024 06:51:30 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez


The story I am going to tell is not my own story but the story of one of my friends. This story is of her traveling to Rome to meet the Pope and in doing so she was there to represent our club that we have together which is called Scholas. This club is a non-profit organization made through the pope which began last year in the United States. This club is to help with the problems that are created through the youth and in this is to help resolve the issues and to help the younger generation to understand the importance of the cause and effect that can be seen through any thing that happens in life. Specifically when it comes to social media as my friend presented in Rome she begins to talk about how she felt that on social media was where the most comparison would happen between the younger generation and how some people have chosen to change their outer physical appearance. 


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