Posted On: 29-May-2024 12:03:41 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
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The school shooter

In the day of texas there where a shooter in teaxs of elementary schools there where 17 students died and 2 teachers died and 17 other there in and they survived from the shooting and  the guy who shot the school was 18 years old that have a 2  guns for his birth and After shooting and severely wounding his grandmother at their home earlier that day,[11] Ramos drove to and entered the school, remaining for more than an hour in the classrooms where he shot his victims before members of the United States Border Patrol Tactical Unit fatally shot him, after bypassing numerous local and state officers who had been in the school's hallways for over an hour.[12][13]

Police officers waited more than 1 hour and 14 minutes on-site before breaching the classroom to engage the shooter.[14]Police also cordoned off the school grounds, resulting in violent conflicts between police and civilians, including parents, who were attempting to enter the school to rescue children. And the police shot him and he died in the day when he shot in the school for his birthday 


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