Posted On: 29-May-2024 04:05:02 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch


So basiucally I was going onto news websites and looking for something interesting to write about because to me everything is lowks boring ykkk. So yeah i saw what was available and I went to music and saw stories about Taylor Swift. Lowks it was a good thing to write about cuz literally everybody and their mother loves and knows taylor swift. I am personally not a swiftie like that like that but i can listen to her. anyways the articles basically said how hse broke the fricken Ticketmaster website when she launched her tour. There were so many people buying tickets for her that it sent a worldwide glitch through the website. Lowks she is so influencial and has a GIGANTIC platform obviouslly shes going to be able to do soemthing like this. SHe has a lot of haters but wayyyy moreeeee Swifties so it doesnt really matter. 


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