Posted On: 29-May-2024 04:14:14 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez

What i do when I'm bored

There are a lot of things that I do when I am bored. Sometimes I just do my makeup or I paint my nails. Or i make something good to eat and I put on my favorite show. It really depends on like what i have available to do. Sometimes I will even clean my room or take my dogs out for a short walk. Or I just call my boyfriend. It really all depends on what I feel like doing. My go to thing when I am bored is to just take a nap to pass time, but I always end up not being able to sleep when it is night time again. I get bored a lot so when it happens I just try my best to not take a nap. But it is usually what i end up doing. LOL. I also try not to do my makeup when I am bored because my mom says that it is a waste of product because I am not even gonna go out. 


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