Posted On: 29-May-2024 08:39:36 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

New News - Oversharing

Three women, Chris McCarty, Caroline Easom and Cam Barrett, were all victims to their parents oversharing. One of them had stated that their mother had posted on Facebook when she got her first period. Something like, ‘Oh my God, my baby girl’s a woman today. She got her first period,’”. Cam Barrett had said it had been very embarsing for her, especially because her friends and their parents have social medias or Facebook. I believe that it is very dangerous for parents to overshare and that the younger generation needs to teach them not to. This is dangerous because they might post personal information at the worst times. For example, if they get a new house and share it to their friends, but accidentally share their address. This could put them in danger. They are fighting for a law to pass so that children will be protected from their parents' oversharing.


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