Posted On: 31-May-2024 06:17:58 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

7M Dance Cult

There is a new show on Netflix about the 7M Dance cult. It is about a group of dancers who were also content creators. It started a bit before covid and continued until now. Unfortunately, there is still another girl who is in the cult who is also the sister of someone. Before they used to be small until they joined a church who was also a pastor. However, they had used the word of God to create a company. However, according to the families, their daughter had become distant the more she had gotten involved within the church. She had even not gone to her grandfather's funeral. Her name is Miranda Wilkings, recently she had blocked her family and old friends. The pastor who was also the person who had managed the dancers wanted them to cut off their own family. Even a guy named, Konkrete, had to "die for his son". Luckily, he didn't do it. 


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