Posted On: 31-May-2024 08:00:42 Posted In: Family / Family
Posted By: lizzy_loo

Extra credit

Ok so i dont have to much time for this article but im still going to start it because i really need this extra credit. i calculated and my estimations concurred that i atleast need a 91 on my final to result in a b- this grade obviously isnt the preffered on but its the best that i can get it to. i cant wait for next year. im sure that it will be good since i will have more experience in this kind of field. i also now know my classes. im just not too sure if i should take dance or AP art. dance seems fun and like a nice and peaceful class. meanwhule i do want to step up academically with another AP. im sure that it would be good. except for the fact that it can be intense at times. im not too sure if im ready or not. i hope i do make the right decision though this one decision can really affect the layout of my whole year.


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