Posted On: 28-Jan-2020 05:27:52 Posted In: Other / Bad guys
Posted By: cLuTcH

Why fight scenes are so hard!

On the surface, it seems like writing a good fight scene isn’t that difficult. A punch to the gut, a kick to the face, and a couple of big explosions is all you need, right? WRONG.

Despite all the intense action scenes we’re typically used to that are fun to watch, they can be an absolute bore to read.

When watching a movie, you just sit back and enjoy the show. Your imagination doesn’t have to do too much work. You just unplug for a bit and enjoy the ride and let the screen do all the heavy lifting for you.

But when reading your imagination has to do all the work. It has to construct your fight scene blow by blow — if you write it that way 😉


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