Posted On: 28-Jan-2020 07:41:56 Posted In: Food / Sushi
Posted By: MMBSM.2115

how to make a banana smoothie

   The ripeness of your bananas will affect the taste of your smoothie. For a sweeter smoothie, use bananas that are riper. Frozen bananas are best because they help to thicken the smoothie. If you forget to plan ahead and don’t have frozen bananas, you can use fresh. If using fresh bananas you may want to blend in a few ice cubes to chill the smoothie. Plain Greek yogurt is my preference to keep this smoothie lower in sugar, but you can also use vanilla yogurt. Use your milk of choice. Dairy, almond milk, and oat milk are all good options. A little bit of vanilla extract adds a hint of sweetness and delicious flavor to this banana smoothie. You can omit the vanilla extract if you’re using vanilla Greek yogurt. Then your ready to drink your banana smoothies