Posted On: 18-Sep-2019 04:38:16 Posted In: Pets / Animals
Posted By: Oscar Vergara

why to have a bunny for a pet

Having a bunny as a pet is like the best thing ever. Here are some facts why to have bunnies as a pet. Bunnies are preety chill and they dont bark or make any noises but they will scream if you hurt them. You have to gain you bunnies trust because they are very fragial and they can get scared easily. Once you get your bunnys trust, they will open up to yo and act really playfully and will show you a lot of love. Having a bunny is always good because if your ever feeling dow you can always go ot them and they will cuddle you. That is all you need to know if you would ever want to get a bunny as a pet.



I want a bunny now !!!

Oct 01, 2019

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