Posted On: 30-Jan-2020 10:15:08 Posted In: Places / Adventure
Posted By: Natalie Francisco

Places I want to go when I grow up

                                                          Places I would like to go when I am an adult !!  

                          Well the places I would like to go are Paris , India , Louisiana , Pittsburgh , Mexico, and Itily. I would want to go to these places because I want to now what traditions they celebrate. One fact why I would want to go to Louisiana is because I herd that when it is christmas they burn candy canes and throw there ashes on christmas so it can smell like candy canes, and that is just one fact about louisiana but I still have to talk about the other place I would want to go. Oh I thought you guys had already left. But the other place I' ve always wanted to go was when I little and that place is Paris. Why I would want to go to Paris because it is so beautiful. These are the places I would want to go and my two favorite places. Okay bye




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