Posted On: 18-Sep-2019 04:48:11 Posted In: Tv Shows / BRUH
Posted By: I love Bacon

The office's best character

The office is a 2005 - 2013 show that shows a story about  A documentary on a group of typical office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and tedium. A mediocre paper company in the hands of Scranton, PA branch manager Michael Scott. This documentary follows the everyday lives of the manager and the employees he "manages" But besides that lets talk the best character Dwight K. Schrute . Dwight K . Schrute is the highest ranking salesmen in Dunder Mifflin, he is also owner of a beet farm named " Schrute Farms Beets " also known as SFB , and Dwight K. Schrute also holds a fake title to " assistant regional manager" but  but constantly refers to himself as "Assistant Regional Manager", attempting to elevate himself to second-in-command to branch Manager, Michael Scott. Dwight K. Schrute is also best friends with Jim halpert but at the same time enemies , Dwight is also best friends with Pam Beesly , and Dwight is Angela's wife . I give up now my HAnDs HuRt like IDk but i just wanted to say thank you for reading my Idk but yeah thanks O O O O O O and remember to always say "BEARS . BEETS . BATTLESTARGLACATICA "BIG lolZ 



why u copy my thing doe

Oct 01, 2019



Oct 01, 2019

I love Bacon

I like your paragraph

Sep 26, 2019

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