Posted On: 02-Feb-2020 08:48:09 Posted In: My Stories / life
Posted By: Unicornrules


Okay ya'll, I know my blogs are HOPEFULLY funny if not that's fine. But this article is gonna be about life. I know like WHYYYYY????? I don't know if you know this but sometimes lie is overwhelming. It's like Sudoku, you think you get it then you have to restart. It's frustrating right?? But that's what life is all about. Your ups and downs and most importantly how you get up. DANGGGGG this getting CHEZZY!!!! Just kidding, just go with your gut if people hate you just don't try to insult them back, just be YOURSELF. Alright I know you're gonna get mad at me but this is how it goes. Let's example the BRYANT family. They lost their father, sister, and friends. They are strong because that is what Kobe would've wanted. See, the Bryant family just needs some time, JK, a LOT of time, but at least their not alone. They got Kobe's FANS!!!!!!


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