Posted On: 26-Sep-2019 09:15:54 Posted In: Gaming / Gaming
Posted By: Lil noob

playing brawl stars

One day i was in my room on my phone playing brawl stars.Then i looked at my stats and it showed that i only had 400 wins so when i saw that then i played and i got 365 wins in a row. later i got a package and it had a note. the note said you have just done a world record.after i opened the box and it was the new phone and there was another letter and it said try and beat you record it was a new iphone 11 then i went strait back in my room and tried to beat it but i couldt an one game the battery died and i raged because i had 345 wins in a row and it died so i threw it out the window and it broke so to that day i deleted brawl stars.



this is fake and trashy

Oct 03, 2019


Great Blog Just capitalize the I

Oct 03, 2019

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