Posted On: 26-Sep-2019 09:17:00 Posted In: Gaming / Gaming
Posted By: Minecraft

Best games to play

        My first opinion on a good game is Minecraft. The reason why this is the best game is because it's an adventure game and there are many different game modes. My second opinion on a good game to play is Call of Duty 4. My reason why is that you could do many objectives and that it gets updated a lot because they either add more skins that you can unlock and equip your weapons with, they bring diferenrt types of skins that have their own possible moves, or bring out a new weapon. Third opinion is Apex Legends, It's fun in my opinion because it has a mix of Call of Dutyand fortnite but better because fortnite you could carry up to six weapons and if your oppenent in fortnite has better guns than you, well it´s game over and Apex you carry 2 weapons and each character has their own special ability.


Lil noob

not apex ewww.

Oct 03, 2019

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