Posted On: 06-Feb-2020 01:16:53 Posted In: Family / Xmas
Posted By: Maddie

My Family Christmas Traditions

My Family Christmas Traditions


Every year for Christmas eve we spend the day with dad's side of the family. We celebrate by all gathering together at my grandma's house. We have family dinner and have prayer at midnight. We always get to open one gift after prayer. Once we get home we go straight to bed so we can get up early and open the rest of our gifts. My mom and dad always wake us up early in the morning and we all gather around the tree to exchange gifts. Once we are finished, we get ready to go to my mom's side of the family. Christmas day there is always so much fun cause I get to see all my cousins. We also have family dinner there too. After we eat we get to open more gifts. The smaller kids always get to go first, the adults do a gift exchange. Once all the presents are opened, we play games. I think that's the most fun because we all get to play together. I love my family traditions and always look forward to the next Christmas.


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