Posted On: 07-Feb-2020 03:23:58 Posted In: Education / education
Posted By: I love Bacon

Wild tukeys

                                   Wild Turkey's

Once proposed Benjamin Franklin as the national emblem of the U.S., Wild Turkey - the largest game bird in North America - Was eliminated from most of its original range by the early 1900s due to overhunting and habitat destruction. Since then, habitat restoration and the subsequent reintroduction of Wild Turkey has been very successful. Their voice is well - known gobble, given by males especially during courtship; female makes various yelps, clucks, and purrs, based on mood and their threat level. Nesting scrap on the ground lined with grass; placed against or under protective cover; 10-15 eggs are laid; March-June. Feeding omnivorous, it scratches in leaf litter on the forest floor for acorns and other food, mostly vegetation; also takes plants and insects from agriculture fields.


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