Posted On: 10-Feb-2020 12:31:25 Posted In: Pets / Cats
Posted By: Marian Aguilar

Little Cats Excerpt by: Marian

One day these cats are being born. There are ten of them, two of them are white and the rest are black. They all grow up to be smart girls and boys. All the black ones are girls and the white ones are boys. When they all turned ten, they all went to public schools with nice people. They all had good grades, they all have good friends, they all go to the same class. And one day, while they were on their way home one of the cats, notice that there was a fox following them home. The cat tells all her siblings and they all believe her and they walk faster. And when they were two inches away from their doormat. They hear a noise from behind them, they all turn around to see what was happening. They all see their mom fighting with the fox. All the little cat's bite, scratch, etc. And the cats win. Their mom is really proud of all of them that she buys them salmon for dinner. And she invites the town. They all celebrate. The cats are now known as the "Little Cats" The mom is so happy. The Little Cats Jump around in excitement. The whole town goes celebrating, and bring cake chips and salmon chips and salmon. The whole town is happy. The Little Cats and their mother all live happily ever after.