Posted On: 10-Feb-2020 04:47:03 Posted In: Other / Studying
Posted By: Marian Aguilar

Study Strategies

                                            Study Strategies

(1) Need to be rested and you need to be feed.

(2) You need to read all of the directions and follow them.

  • Think about they are asking
  • Stop and play with it in your head
  • If you can't remember what they said: "Ask." If you don't understand "Ask

(3) Pay attention to the time.

  • Look at the type of questions they are asking you. Some questions need more time than others.

(4) You need to stay focused.

  • You need to make sure you get enough rest the day before.

(5) When you go into the class, there are no options. The only option you have is to stay and learn and hear what the teacher has to say/or is saying.

(6) When your reading, you pay attention to the dates, names, places, ideas.

(7) Always have everything you will need before the test or lesson like you will need the following:

  • pens
  • Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Water
  • Paper Tissue
  • Ect.

(8) Pay attention to your answers and if it doesn't look right, check all your answers. And think about which answer goes where.

  • When your finished taking a test, don't turn it in yet. Check if they all look right or where they go
  • Check answers only if there is time left.

                        I hope you get an A on that test, enjoy and have a great day. Bye