Posted On: 13-Feb-2020 07:44:18 Posted In: Advise / yung walnut
Posted By: yooginim

Best cats to have

Best Cats to Have (Family-Friendly)

1. Maine Coon

     Maine Coon cats have a reputation for being super social, friendly, and playful. They can have some dog-like tendencies sometimes, like walking on a leash and playing fetch, so they're really great if you've always been a dog owner. They are smart and easy to train, they love attention, and they're adaptable.

2. Siamese 

  These cats are very intelligent and fun to have around. As for maintenance with their appearance, it's pretty simple: they don't have long hair, so they don't require a lot of grooming or combing. They have a generally great personality and they're very loyal, but also very social and curious.

3. Ragdoll

These good natured cats get along with everyone, including animals. They're very adaptable, they love to snuggle, and they're super relaxed. They're also easy to groom and keep clean.

4. Somali (Personal Favorite)

 Somali cats are super active and playful, and they're full of energy - but don't let that bring you down. They're easy pets who love to be social and be around other people and animals. This is good for when you have other pets. They're fully capable of entertaining themselves, although they do prefer to be with their owners, so you'll always have company.

5. Sphynx 

  These hairless cats might be a little unique looking, but they are super loving and you don't have to worry about grooming them. They're also very laid back and relaxed as well.

6. American Shorthair

  Because they're the most domestic cat is an American Shorthair, they're not hard to find, and they make it really easy to adopt, which is great for a first-time owner looking to do that. They are also known for being easy-going, pleasant, relaxed, and loving.

7. Burmese

  Burmese cats love to be around people and are known for having dog-like qualities, similar to a Maine Coon. They love to be with their owner and they can form strong bonds and remain very loyal good qualities if you have a dog. They are super devoted, intelligent, and curious, and they'll always be by your side.

8. Abyssinians

   Abyssinians have a great personality, they are easy to take care of, and they are very curious and playful. They love to explore and they will definitely keep you entertained. They don't really love to snuggle, though, so that's definitely one thing to keep in mind.


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