Posted On: 11-Mar-2020 03:00:55 Posted In: News / true story
Posted By: b111ay21

The Two Main Reasons Why International Markets Plummeted On Monday

News Source: CNN 10

Title of Article: The Two Main Reasons Why International Markets Plummeted On Monday

When: Aired March: 10, 2020

Where in the world: St. Peter's Port, Guernsey

What is going on: The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an average of 30  stocks. It has companies like Disney and McDonalds, and it's one main indicator of how the market as a whole is doing. The Dow dropped so far and so fast yesterday that a circuit breaker kicked in. The Dow had lost more than 2,000 points. Its worst point drop than on any other day in history. There are two reasons for this. One of the reasons for this was oil prices after a disagreement over oil production between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The second reason was the coronavirus. 

This is newsworthy because the whole coronavirus is affecting everything and everyone