Posted On: 26-Mar-2020 09:53:06 Posted In: News / Corona Virus
Posted By: SunKing1

The coronavirus outbreak 😷 🦠...

The coronavirus is a world wide thing it originated from China. The virus is attacking old people due to them having a weak immune system because they are more likely to get sick. People are getting tested for the virus I know this might be disgusting but they stick a cue tip in you nose to test you. A lot of famous people have the virus but they are okay they just have it but it doesn't mean they can't spread. They cantan spread this disease in many ways but the most common way is by spreading it threw sneezing or touching your nose. The U.S is going on lockdown schools are out but some schools are doing online classes some are like you're having a vacation. Some famous people who have the virus are Kevin Durant,Prince Charles,Tom Hanks  these are just some people that have the virus but there are a lot more 



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