Posted On: 30-Mar-2020 02:00:45 Posted In: Politics / Politics
Posted By: Anthony Gonzalez

Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines to April 30

Name: Anthony Gonzalez     

Date: March 29, 2020    

Period: Grade 5

Current Events Report

News Source: CNN  Politics

Title of Article: Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines to April 30



Who is involved (individuals, groups, things):  Trump, government, and America.


When (date of event/ date of article):

Date of Article - 7:38 PM ET, Sun March 29, 2020

Date of Event – March 29, 2020


Where in the world (county, city, state – mention all that apply):

In America at The White House in Washington, DC.


What is going on (in four complete sentences):

What is going on is that Trump would extend nationwide social distancing guidelines for 30 days! It is all because of coronavirus. Also, it is quickly spreading throughout America. That is super dangerous because it could affect everyone and even kill us. Social distancing is important so that coronavirus can be contained.


Why is this event/issue newsworthy (why would people care about this?):

Because it is about Trump saying that,  “he would extend nationwide social distancing guidelines for another 30 days,” and this helps us contain the coronavirus.