Posted On: 02-Apr-2020 06:52:53 Posted In: International / CORONAVIRUS
Posted By: SunKing1

Life sucks not seeing your friends and staying home. 😡🙄🥱

So today Is a boring day because we are still living with the Coronavirus. At first we were so happy that we weren't going to go to school but know we are sad. We are sad because we want to see our friends and play the games like we used to. We might not even go to school till the end of April but if the president moves the date we might not even go to school till August and that means not seeing our friend. We would only be able to see them on FaceTime or an app where you can see people. We can't even leave our houses and be next to the people we love we have to be quarantined. We are able to leave our houses but we have to stand away from people six feet way. So this is is how I'm going to remember 2020 boring we can't even do stuff that we like. 2020 is going to be the boringest year of my life. Because in another 10 years their going to be another pandemic and it's probably going to be worst than the Coronavirus. 


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