Name: Anthony Gonzalez
Date: March 4/5/2020
Period: Grade 5
Current Events Report
News Source: CNN Politics
Who is involved (individuals, groups, things): Ashley Dempesy, Dempsey and the NFL
When (date of event/ date of article): 12:15 PM ET, Sun April 5,2020
Date of Article -
Where in the world (county, city, state – mention all that apply): Southern California.
What is going on (in four complete sentences):The man Dempsey had been diagnosed with covid-19. His family had left him but the daughter keeped in touch. The daughter was sad but she did not want him to think his family did not love him. He had a world record for kicking really far but he died on saturday.
Why is this event/issue newsworthy (why would people care about this?):They should care because he was an important man. He had a world record of kicking the furthest.