Posted On: 01-May-2020 06:04:36 Posted In: News / coronavirus
Posted By: SunKing1

Trump wants the meat and chicken people to work again.

Trump wants the people to work again due to the pandemic. Trump needs them to work because we might be in this pandemic for a couple more months and food is going lower each day. Some people may reopen but they need workers without them they can't reopen due to little help. Since we might be in this pandemic for a long time I suggest that you stock up that fridge so you won't have to go to the store and possibly get the virus 🦠. Everywhere around the world scientist are trying to find a cure but they can't really find one. I've heard in about ten years there is going to be a much more bigger virus. New virus are able to come from polution like the ice bergs they been frozen for years but since we are polluting viruses might come out because we don't know what in the icebergs they are melting . This is why we should stop getting gasoline powers cars and get electric powered cars.Sincethis pandemic the world has gotten beautiful because we are not polluting and factories are not working the water is almost like crystal clear. 


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