Posted On: 03-Dec-2020 10:21:59 Posted In: Health / nice.
Posted By: Coke0iskings


Hello friends, I am going to talk about when I was playing minecraft at my cousin's house so when I was playing minecraft madhut my cousin was chasing me and I was dodging all of the tags and my strategy was when he is chasing me I will always turn a another direction and he missed his tag and I was so luck because I found a enchanted apple so I ate it and kept running and I got in the castle and I when a another stairway I went down again and went back up and at the top of the room there was a red button that you needed to push to win so I went in a another room and he was looking for me in the red button room and when he got out I duck under his tag and I went in the room and push the red button and I won the game and thats my story on how I won the minecraft manhut.


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