Posted On: 16-Dec-2020 05:25:58 Posted In: Paranormal / Urban Legend
Posted By: HolidayCookiePrincess

Kuchisake Onna.

(Hello People That Are Reading This We Will Be talking about somebody in Japan She's a urban legend so its okay...)           

Hi My Name Is (Kuchisake Onna The DEAD Spirit..)

It was a beautiful day i walked outside people always talking about how pretty i was i went to the shop i asked am i pretty? everybody in the store said yes until the next day at night i cheated on my boyfriend..I was punished by getting slit by the mouth every time until i was dead.. (I'm now a dead spirit and needed revenge i asked people if i was pretty they were confused and said yes? and when I toke off my mask i had a smile with sharp teeth and a big cut that made me smile i said am i pretty now they were scared and said no?.. once they said no i did the same thing my boyfriend did to me i slit there mouth like mine your probably wondering what if they said yes. the same thing happens to them since they always want to look like me :)

(How To Survive - Say Average To Her Last Question - Throw Candy Or A Distraction - RUN - Idk - )


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