Posted On: 16-Dec-2020 07:28:37 Posted In: Jokes / Jokes
Posted By: HolidayCookiePrincess


(what did the science book say to the math book/Wow you got problems)

(What do cows do on Friday nights/They go to the moo-vies)

(What do you call a greedy elf/Elfish)

(Whats a cows favorite Holiday/Moo Year's Eve)

(What do you give a sick lemon/Lemon-Aid)

(What do you get if you mix a vampire with a snowman/You get a frostbite)

(Why do some people eat snails/Because They don't like Fast-Food)

(What do you get when you put three ducks in a box/You get Quackers)

(Where do fishes go to deposit there money/The River Bank)

(What time do ducks wake up/The Quack of dawn.)

(Why don't you see dinosaurs at easter/Because there eggs-tinct.)

(How do sheep say Merry Christmas in Mexico./fleece navibaaaa.)

(Hope You Guys Enjoyed these Jokes They aren't mine I just used them to help show more people these Jokes give the shout out to the internet.)



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