Posted On: 27-Jan-2021 08:04:10 Posted In: Other / A "scary" story
Posted By: HolidayCookiePrincess

| The Attic. |

|Read This At Night If You Dare (Rules - Go To A Dark Quiet Room -)      (WARNING - Graphic Messages..)

|Ages 9 or up..| If You Can Handle It..|  

(Hi My Name Is Elizabeth I'm Here To Tell You A Fictional Story Sadly It Won't Be On YouTube..)

|One Morning, Of April Fools Day! My Favorite Day Of The Year| | I'd Walk To My Parents Room| Hey Ma Hey Da- | D-dad (I'd Stare at his head dismantled from his body| (I'd Scream crying)  |I'd notice a red clown nose| .. | |My Mom Would move around| Ma? | |I'd go close to her realizing it was a mouse toy having my mom's bloody eyes getting runned over by it | MOM..| |I'd Cry Harder| | A Clown Would Grab Me when he came out of the closet| AH! | I would muffle getting my mouth covered with a mask| |1 Hour Later (I Had Woken Up) | HELLO? | IS THERE ANYBODY HERE?!| | ?? - STOP YELLING | WHO ARE YOU.| ?? - You Can Say I Killed Your Parents| Th-That's not true |He'd take out a knife with blood dripping on it | .. | ?? - Believe me now.| F-Fine But Why Did You Do it.. | ?? - Oh I Get Payed 2000 If I Kill A Target. | .. | | ?? - You Can Call Me Jason | Well JASON YOU KILLED MY FAMILY.| Jason - Sorry Not Sorry.| UGH | |Jason -  Dear if you don't quiet down you'll suffer both of there deaths.| |At The House| Ethan - Sis..| |Ethan - I need to find her.| |Ethan - Foot Prints Lead To Outside..| | Ethan - CAR TRACKS YES! | He'd get on his sports car driving following the car prints | At The UNKNOWN Location| I'd mumble nervously| Jason - You Haven't Ate Liz..| I'm Stressed..| | Jason - Sorry To Hear That..| |Nah its fine..| | Ethan - AHA the abandoned  factory.| (Jason Would Hear Honking from a car| | Ethan - HANDS UP.| |Jason - .. - | | Ethan would take out a gun| |ETHAN WAI-| (Ethan would shoot Jason but i would jump in front of him taking the shot| Ethan - SIS..| | Jason - Liz..| |Jason Would Call The Cops And  Ambulance| Ethan - YOU MONSTER | Jason Would snatch his gun shooting Ethan| Jason - Nah Your The Monster.| The Ambulance Would Take Ethan And Elizabeth| As Soon As They Left Jason Would Shoot the cops in there gut as it bleeded|

                                         |My last words were - He was my Boyfriend..| I'm Elizabeth And I'm 15 And I died On April 1st..|


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