Posted On: 04-Feb-2021 10:06:33 Posted In: Hobby / The dreary mansion AGAIN
Posted By: Beans

The dreary mansion

HELLO MY DEAR READERS!!!!!!!!!!! I know I haven't written it about 3 weeks, but I'm back!! LETS GET THIS THING GOING!!!

"Wanna see where the other ones of us are?" Asked Sakura, with quite a bit of bounce in her step. She seemed to have stopped floating in midair and was now jumping around. Emily sighed, and was about to say "No thanks" But Arely jumped in before Emily could say a word. "MORE OF YOU? YES, YES, YES ,YES!!!" squealed Arely, now jumping up and down. Then she stopped. " Are they mean? I hope they're as nice as you are." Arely considered aloud before tapping her feet. "Ohhhhhh, they're nice all right. There's Sally, she's our age but has been a ghost for longer than any of us. And my STEP brother, Eric. And there's Tomas. He is 3 years older than all of us. Me, Eric, Sally. And we call ourselves, The Spirits of The Dreary Mansion. Any questions before we go?" Sakura asked, Finally stopping to take a breath. "Nope. Let's go already. Before Arely explodes from excitement" Emily sighed, looking at her cousin. "Hop on!" Sakura exclaimed, her hands moving in a sphere. As she light from the sphere almost blinded Arely and Emily, a TROLLEY appeared. "W-Wh-WHAT?"  Gasped Arely. "Won't someone see us flying on a FLYING TROLLEY??" Asked Emily, rolling her eyes. "Chill.When we start, nobody will see you. Trust me. " Sakura smiled. "Okay." Arely sighed. As soon as she got on, Emily saw Sakura wasn't lying. She couldn't see Arely. Emily ran in, landing with a thump on a seat. "Off we go!" yelled Sakura, sitting in the front. She was behind the wheel. With a *swoosh*. all of them were soaring in the air. "WHEE!" Squealed  Arely, grabbing onto Emily. "Wowzers!"   gasped Emily, her legs sticking in the air. "Hang on!" Yelled Sakura. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Yelled both girls as the trolley did a TRIPLE LOOP DE LOOP. "This is fun, right?" Asked Sakura, her hair flying with the wind. "We're gonna CRASH!!" Yelled Arely, cupping her hands to her mouth. "TRUST ME!! WE'RE GONNA BE FINE." Sakura yelled back, rolling her eyes. " Oh we're dead." Grumbled Emily as she cringed and rubbed her temples. With a swoosh, both girls went THROUGH THE WALL. "WHAT IN THE-" Arely asked. "Helloo? The rest of us live in a secret hideout. We don't want someone finding us and taking our SECRET base, silly!" Laughed Sakura. It looked like a tunnel with many names imprinted on it. Suddenly, the trolley stopped with a *woosh*. To the left of them, there was a big door. Sakura got off and walked in. "C'mon humans!" Sakura said, gesturing to them. As the girls got out, Sakura was making another one of those sphere's. With ANOTHER big blast of light, there were two diamond necklaces. "Here. These'll help you make things to get here. These can make what ever you want whenever you want. Keep them.  " Sakura said smiling at her friends. 


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