Posted On: 08-Mar-2021 09:52:20 Posted In: Paranormal / Ghosts
Posted By: N cool

Ghost hunting part 2 of 3

Epilogue. I was in my room reading my book about paranormal activity when I came across a page that said their was a ghost in my back woods and I got scared. Later after diner I went to bed and at 12:00 am I heard creaking and whispering coming to my room. Than my door opened and a slimy hand appeared and then the sun came up and it disappeared. So I told my dad and mom and they said it was a nightmare, BUT IT WAS NOT, I yelled. My dad and mom got angry and said no dessert. Sadly I walked to my room and sat on my bed and started reading my book about paranormal activity. Then I saw a part that said the ghost was in my basement and it is hidden somewhere. After lunch I went to the basement and I took my book with me and I looked for a door. but nothing was there. part three tomorrow.


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