The amount of tobacco that is smoked and the inhalation habits plays a big role in how difficult it is to quit smoking. The more cigarettes, the stronger cigarettes, and the deeper you inhale, the more of the addictive substance in tobacco; nicotine goes from the lungs into the blood and when a few seconds up in the brain. The more nicotine you are accustomed to, the greater its tobacco dependence, and the harder it is to quit. After smoking cessation products, usually only a few minutes, Nicotine withdrawal symptoms, followed by about 1 / 2-hour break before symptoms again, emerge as a fierce smoke, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, bad temper, and difficulty in controlling emotions (up dangers of things).
You turn today's first cigarette within 1 / 2 hours after that, waking, smoke more than 10 grams of tobacco (10 cigarettes or three cheroots or two cigars or 10 grams of pipe tobacco) per day, and inhale as you are dependent on nicotine. This means that there will be withdrawal symptoms if there is more than a few hours since you smoked the last cigarette.
This doubles the chances of smoking cessation success if you are using nicotine products the first three months after smoking stopped.
Nicotine products are available as patches, chewing gum, inhalers, nasal spray, and tablets to put under the tongue. Selecting a particular product depends on the degree of nicotine dependency. The greater dependence on the larger daily dose of nicotine.
If you turn the first cigarette shortly after being stood up in the morning and then smoke a cigarette in the hours most of the day and during the breaks at work maybe a little more, then you are very dependent on nicotine and may, for example, use a band-aid 15 milligrams a day or patch of 21 mg supplemented with nicotine inhaler, nicotine gum to put under the tongue.
If you only smoke several hours after being stood up or smoke the most cigarettes after dinner, you are one more a "social-smoker" and less dependent. You may be satisfied with a nicotine inhaler, chewing gum, or 2 mg. A "social-smoker" is the more habit and social fun associated with cigarettes, which creates problems of smoking cessation than the physical discomfort as a sign of nicotine hunger.
Here the issue is more about finding some other things that can replace hyggen with cigarettes. People with artificial teeth may have difficulty using chewing gum, and people with skin problems such as eczema risk skin problems using nicotine patches. It is important to read the written instructions in the use of nicotine products.
Nicotine chewing gum is not as commonly chewed gum; then there will be reactions in the form of stinging and burning in the stomach. You have to chew a few times until it is soft and save it between the cheek and gums and let it lie in about 1 minute. Chew then again, and after 20 minutes, all nicotine released.