Posted On: 30-Oct-2019 05:52:01 Posted In: Life Experiences / Life
Posted By: Yfabian

My Life :D

    I was born in September 14, 2008 in El Salvador.My parents weren't really at home but at work so I usually stayed with my grandma when I was little.Growing up I always had good grades and amazing friends.My first friend was actually a girl named Aurora.She was my friend since I started kindergarden and up to this day she is still my BFF.When I was in 3rd grade,my parents decided to move to the US to do 4th grade there.I didn' want to do it but I still agreed.When I got to Los Angeles,CA,everything was so different.There were lots of buildings and houses in one place.In my first day of summer school, I was pretty scared.Eventually I got knew friends and meet knew people.The teachers were pretty nice and cool.In the first day of school I wasn't that scared at all.I went to summer school there so I knew most of the people.Now I am in 5th grade and I am still happy with my life.It was hard to move to the US but then everything got easier and made knew friends.Also,I learned that change can be good for you.



TEACH ME HOW TO HAVE GOOD GRADES ejurfyheegyueytgrhiuyjsegjhbkrgfhbgfrm

Dec 11, 2019

slime pro

that is a good story and that was nice life you had

Dec 04, 2019

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