Posted On: 01-Oct-2021 03:58:37 Posted In: Other / A "scary" story
Posted By: Abigail

The Dark City part three

                                                            The Dark City Part Three

l will leave some food for you so you do not get hungry. I need to go my job starts at 8:30 I will be back at 4:00 see you soon. Okay Then the boy really wanted to see his friends but he knew he could not go the mom left a phone just in case in his room. The boy was board he played with cards by himself and play games but he had an idea he can play with his friends online in a game. He was playing the hole time until night he noticed that his mom did not come back the time was already 9:37 but she did not come he was worried. He was just going to wait for his mom so he played more until he heard a baby laughing down stairs he did not want to go but he wanted to be brave for once so he went they he noticed that it was not coming from down stairs it was coming from the basement. He felt better because he had cleaned the basement with his mom last week so he went down and saw...

                                        If you want to see the rest search up Dark City part 4


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